Team Fearless Gallery 2019
Look who got her Yellow Belt !
Great job Marena !
Michael holding up the heavy bag!
Robb and Kim breaking a sweat in the am!
Team collage ! Bload sweat and Tears!
Dedication and Loyalty!
I will be there to guide you !
John Freitag and Robb teaching
The future kids on the mat !
Who said two is company three is crowd! Way to go Bob And Kim !
Robb is in the zone !
New students Any and Karen starting the year off with Team Fearless! Welcome girls !
The am Crew is always rocking it !
Karen, Thereasa, Larry, Kim, Bob and Sensei !
The girls are killing it keep up the good work ! First day Crystal ! Marena leading the way !
Fight night ! New walk in shirts fornIkias and Thereasa ! Team Fearless cheering them on !
Last minute tips from the coach before the fighters enter the ring!
Team Fearless fighters Ilias and Thereasa! Representing ! Great job !
A coach and his fighters !
The training Station fight night 1/12/18!
Team Fearless !
A true Family of dedicated Warriors
The trilogy! A student a teacher and a mentor! Forever learning and evolving!
GM Bob Bethany, Kyoshi Robb Buckland and the Spartan Warrior Ilias 

Team Fearless Gallery
Wisdomway martial Arts with Dennis Campo
George Matson’s Summerfest 2016 Cape Cod MA
Kyoshi Buckland at a Seminar @ Brent Crisci’s school
Symposium 2016
George Matson’s Summerfest 2016 Cape Cod Ma
Soke DePasquale with Kyoshi Buckland at Martial Arts University
Kyoshi Buckland at Martial Arts University
Group shot
Teaching Kids in the park
Shihan Buckland is a Guest instructor along with Master Brent Crisci, Shihan Jeff Driscoll and Clemont Poulon at Shihan Ryan Chamberland’s Augusta Maine School August 2016
George Matson’s Summerfest 2016 Cape Cod Ma
Kyoshi Buckland teaching at a seminar
Kyoshi Buckland and Soke DePasquale
A girl and her whip!
The NSF/Team Fearless Film Day
I said no more shots!
Did someone say bar fight?
Kyoshi down 50lbs! Isagenjx and Primal Fitness !
The Stunt team taking A roll!
The inaugural Team Challenge
GM Bobby Campbell’s annual banquet and the men of Uechi
T is a beast !
When your dad GM Maloney comes with one of the best boxing trainers his wife Bridget Stevens for there first visit to the new school magical!
Seminar Weekend in Augusta Maine
Kyoshi teaching a seminar at Ryan Chamberlain’s Weekend event !
The future of Team Fearless
Summerfest 2017 Kyoshi gets his 7th degree!
The Family at Summerfest celebrating Robb’s 7th degree promotion in Uechi
The pillars of Uechi ! Kyoshi Buckland, GM Maloney,GM Rebesa and GM Master Bethoney
Summerfest 2017 Robb Buckland and Traci Rose.
The banquet at Summerfest 2017 to celebrate GM Buzz Durkins promotion to 10th degree with Dan Devidio,Bobby Bethoney and Super Foot Bill Wallace!