The uncommon mentor…….
He sees the weaknesses in you before you feel the pain of them.
He sees an enemy before you discern him.
He has already experienced the pain of a problem you are about to create.
Mi kmaq isn’t blood; its what is in the heart.
The love of the land. The respect for it, those who inhabit it; and the respect and acknowledgement of the spirits and the elders.
Funny the “white man’s” ignorance calling the Mi kmaq feirce and warlike creatures. As they came and raped the land.
She heard about a place people were smilin’
They spoke about the red man’s way,
how they loved the land
And they came from everywhere
to the Great Divide
Seeking a place to stand
or a place to hide
I call this “Fierce, warlike creature “dad” he is the most generous compassionate loving person I know and now Jim Maloney is a Judan….10th Degree Blackbelt.
They say you can’t go any higher in Martial Arts than 10th Degree,
I disagree you could be:
a ‘War Chief”
or a father,
a grandfather,
a husband,
a mentor
and a friend.
Thanks Dad for being all of those!